The initial concept is an accessory for headphones to indicate how willing you are to be interrupted. with feachers indicating "Yes please come and chat" or "Do not engage". . 
cardbord form finding
 headphone mount prototype  i tried snap hook but that did not work so I went to a slide which worked perfectly
A different path emerged which would not require headphones after brief testing I moved on from this as the increased complexity brought little benefits and just did not look as good
Made two more sleek shapes, that are less intense. Could not decide between the two shapes so I wanted them to be swappable.
first prototype fit well but did not slide also felt the shape was very
I used blender to explore different materials I was going to laser cut acrylic and then heat bend it to shape. However, after using a clear fdm print, I realised it had all the properties that I needed. The lip around will be metalised to blend the project with high-end head phones better. This will preserve the grain-like pattern with the MDF print
 MONOMAINA is a productivity tool based on how we use headphones to communicate to help limit distractions in shared working environments. By using panels that can attach to headphones this project will amplify the discrete messaging around headphone use. With both an up and down position to indicate if you are able and willing to talk. 

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